St Paul's Dorking has an array of provision for Children and Young People in the community.

For 0-36 month olds
Each Sunday morning (apart from Cafe Church) there is a crèche available in the lower ground floor room. Parents are welcome to leave their children in the capable hands of the creche team, or stay and help their children settle in.There are sofas and baby toys in church if you'd rather stay with your child, or you may prefer the area in the foyer where you can continue to listen to the service via the speaker while your child can have more freedom to make a noise!
For 3–5 year olds
We have a large downstairs room, resources and outside garden dedicated to early years (this area is part of our Nursery which runs during the week). This means our engaging programme includes the best practice in play based learning for this age group. Each session explores more of God's plan for our lives and includes take home resources for parents to use at home.
It's all co-ordinated and run by a great team of leaders and helpers that includes professional early years teachers.
For 5–7 year olds
Climbers join Scramblers in our 10:30am Sunday service (except Cafe Church services).After a short time all together in church, the Scramblers and Climbers go to our large downstairs room where our Nursery runs during the week. We have resources and outside garden dedicated to early years so our engaging programme includes the best practice in play based learning for this age group. Each session explores more of God's plan for our lives and includes take home resources for parents to use at home.
For 7–11 year olds
Explorers meet during our 10:30am Sunday service (except Cafe Church services). After a short time all together in church, the Explorers gather in one half of our church hall for worship, prayer, teaching and fun.On the 2nd Sunday of the month the Explorers and Pathfinders meet together starting at 10:30, including hot chocolate and toast!
For Youth aged 11–14
Pathfinders is our group for school years 7 to 9 (ages 11 - 14) which meets during our 10:30am Sunday service (except Cafe Church services).
After a short time all together in church, the Pathfinders gather in one half of our church hall for worship, prayer, teaching and fun.
On the 2nd Sunday of the month the Explorers and Pathfinders meet together starting at 10:30, including hot chocolate and toast!
Young Adults
For Youth 14+
Our older youth join our 10.30am service to worship together with the church family. They meet in the week (see below).
For the little ones…
St Paul’s 0–Threes. (And their parents.)
SPOT St. Paul’s O to Threes is a drop in group for children upto nursery or pre-school and their parents and carers. It meets in the Church on Wednesdays during term time, from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m with a great focus on play for the children and friendship for the carers. There is always freshly baked cake and hot drinks for parents and carers, and fruit and juice for the children. At 11 o'clock we have song time with percussion instruments the toddlers can play. Come and join us, we'd love to see you.
And for the not so little ones…
Wednesday Night Youth
Go on. Guess which day we meet.
Yes, you guessed it! Wednesday Night Youth meets every Wednesday from 7.30pm. It’s jam-packed with fun games, challenges, film nights, baking and many a healthy serving of Jesus thrown in for good measure. Available for all young people in Year's 9-13.
The first Wednesday of every month we go BIG! BIG WEDNESDAYS are our social events for anyone young person in year's 9-13. From Ice skating, to Film Nights, to Chip Crawls to Chilled nights in. Its all about inviting friends and hanging out together.
If you'd like to join or want to know anything more about what the Youth get up to at St. Pauls - drop us a message via the form at the bottom of this page.
Friday Night Xtra
Because spelling things properly is for boring grown ups.
Our once a month Friday Night activities for 11-14s (yrs 7-9). Woohoo! Get in touch to find out more details.
It used to be called “L”. Then we went bigger.
From the start at 4.30pm until pick up at 7pm, XL on Thursdays is rammed with more stuff for Years 4–6 than we could really try and list here, but we’ll try!
After arriving from about 4.15 onwards, (or being collected directly from Action House), we sign in, pop £2 in the pot and all have a quick catch-up. Next is a meal together (main and pudding with a good chance of 2nds!). Then it’s pack down time, working together to clear up, wash up and set the room for what’s coming after. What follows is a jammed home straight of games, songs, discussions, Bible time, prayer and a lot of fun.
They say all sorts about XL…
“XL is a place where I feel l can be myself. I can ask questions about God, talk about having a faith without worrying what others will think of me.”
“Sometimes I laugh so much the squash comes out of my nose.”
“I love XL food. It’s better than my mum’s cooking. Don’t tell her I said that.”